5 High-Fat Foods That Are Actually Really Healthy
Fat is bad is a mantra most of us have heard often. Fat has been demonized since the early days and people have been told to stay away from it. The health industry has captured on this fear and encouraged people to eat more carbs, sugar, and processed food. What most of us have been unaware of is that not *all* fat is bad. Not eating fats leads to an imbalanced diet, a diet full of high carbs, processed foods, and sugar which causes obesity, blood pressure, and heart disease. Recently research has been undertaken to clear the misconception surrounding fat. Diets that are high in fat and low in carbohydrates such as Keto, Low carb, or Paleo are gaining popularity. It’s about eating the right kind of fats, ‘healthy‘ fats which help you stay full, lose weight and provide you with energy.
Our bodies need a certain amount of healthy fat foods to absorb specific nutrients and vitamins, improve digestion, and support hormone functions and memory. The healthy fats are monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, including Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. How you can ensure that you include these fats in your diet daily? Below we are giving you 5 high-fat foods that are healthy and can be added easily to your diet daily and regularly.

Dark Chocolate- Taste, nutrition, and health all rolled in one is very rare but dark chocolate manages to do just that. It is one of the really high-fat foods with about 65% of its calories being healthy fats. Dark chocolate contains about 11% fiber and 50% of the regular daily allowance for iron, magnesium, copper, and manganese. It outranks even blueberries when one talks about the amount of antioxidants present in foods. The antioxidants present in dark chocolate can lower blood pressure, and protect your LDL cholesterol from being oxidized. Dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa can prevent heart disease, improve memory, aid weight loss, and protect your skin.
Avocados- Most fruits contain carbohydrates and sugar but avocados are high in fat than other fruits. Avocados are 77% fat, making it the highest fatty food compared to animal foods or other foods. Avocados are also the best source of potassium, containing 40% potassium more than bananas which are usually considered high in potassium. Avocados have a type of monounsaturated fat called Oleic acid. They can prevent LDL cholesterol from rising and raise HDL (good) cholesterol. Despite being high in fat and calories, studies have shown that people who consume avocados daily have lower body weight and less belly fat than those who don’t.
Whole Eggs- The fitness industry has given eating whole eggs a bad reputation for decades. The yolks are high in cholesterol and fat which is why doctors recommend heart patients or obese people to avoid yolks. But eggs are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Whole eggs are loaded with vitamins and minerals. New research has indicated that cholesterol in yolks does not affect the cholesterol in the blood for the majority of people. Whole eggs are a rich, nutrient-dense food that acts as a perfect and healthy breakfast. They have antioxidants, protein, fats, and healthy calories which help with weight loss, muscle gain, toning, brain nutrients, and energy. People who replaced grain-based breakfast with eggs ended up eating fewer calories and losing weight. Omega-3 eggs or pastured eggs are the ideal choice and can be had as a breakfast or a snack.
Nuts- Nuts are an excellent source of plant-based protein. They are high in healthy fats, fiber, and Vitamin E. Magnesium is a mineral that many people don’t get enough and have to take supplements for. Nuts contain a significant amount of magnesium and can benefit our health immensely. People who eat nuts daily and regularly are at a lower risk of contracting heart diseases, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Nuts are also a good and easy snack that is fresh and unprocessed. You can eat nuts such as walnuts, macadamia nuts, almonds, etc.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil- Considered as one of the healthiest fats and foods, extra virgin olive oil is an essential component of the Mediterranean Diet. The Mediterranean Diet has constantly ranked among the healthiest and best diets in the world due to its balance of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Extra Virgin Olive Oil consists of Vitamin E, Vitamin K, and powerful antioxidants. You should replace your regular vegetable oil with extra virgin olive oil for weight loss, preventing heart disease, fighting obesity, and reducing cholesterol levels. Extra Virgin Olive Oil helps fight inflammation and lowers your blood pressure.
These 5 foods consist of good and healthy fats, reduce weight, reduce body fat, build muscle, fight heart disease, lower blood pressure, and maintain your good cholesterol levels. You can add them to your daily diet after consulting a health expert or doctor.