5 Impressive Facts That Make Curd a Superfood
We all grew up hearing that milk is beneficial for us. Milk gives us healthy bones and skin. But there are other forms of dairy which are equally essential and healthy. Yogurt or curd has formed an integral part of several cuisines in India. South Indians tend to eat it with rice, while North Indians enjoy it with Indian bread known as parathas. Curd or yogurt is a traditional Indian delicacy and is had in curries, desserts, snacks, and drinks. Eating curd regularly can improve your health and skin. There are other impressive facts about eating curd or yogurt.
Yogurt or curd is a dairy product made by fermentation of milk. The bacteria used to make yogurt or curd are called ‘yogurt cultures.’ They ferment lactose, found naturally in milk. Through this process, lactic acid is produced. Lactic acid is a substance that causes milk to curdle and gives Yogurt its peculiar taste. All types of milk can be used to make yogurt or curd. Some people use skim milk to make fat-free yogurt. Others use full, thick milk that creates full-fat yogurt. Natural, unprocessed yogurt is thick, white in color, and has no sugar but has a tangy flavor. The packaged, processed yogurts have sugars, added flavors, and excess calories. They are not to be consumed often or daily. Most Indian households make curd at home. Plain, unsweetened yogurt or curd has the most health benefits. Let’s see how curd is a superfood with these 5 impressive facts.

High in Protein- Yogurt is super high in protein. You can get about 12 grams of protein from 200 grams of yogurt. Getting enough protein is vital for appetite regulation, weight loss, and building muscle. Protein increases the production of hormones that signal fullness. This effectively reduces the number of calories you consume daily. If you have a thicker variety of curd such as Greek yogurt, you feel full for longer. Greek Yogurt is higher in protein, providing up to 22 grams of protein per 200 grams. This is a perfect snack for anyone looking to control their appetite. Protein also supports your metabolism by increasing energy expenditure or the number of calories you burn daily.
Boost your Immune System- Yogurt, curd, or probiotics are helpful in strengthening and boosting your immune system. Probiotics have been known to reduce inflammation. Inflammation causes several health conditions such as flu, cold, and gut disorders. Yogurt has magnesium, zinc, and selenium, trace minerals that are essential for our immune system. Vitamin-D fortified yogurts may go one step ahead and prevent common colds.
Protects your Bones- Yogurt or curd contains key elements required for bone health and density. It can prevent diseases like osteoporosis. Yogurt has calcium, protein, vitamin D, potassium, and phosphorus. Individuals with low bone density are at a higher risk of fractures, and bone diseases. Research has suggested that consuming yogurt or curd or dairy foods up to 3 times a day can improve bone mass and strength. Yogurt is particularly recommended for women as they get calcium deficient after a certain age

Good for your Heart- Saturated fat was known to lead to heart disease and obesity earlier. Research has evolved to point out the differences between ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ fats. Science has suggested that all fats are not bad for our health. In fact, some fats are essential and help in protecting from heart disease. Intake of saturated fat from dairy products like yogurt can increase HDL cholesterol. This is the good cholesterol. Regular consumption of yogurt can help reduce blood pressure and stabilize your heart. Fat-free and low-fat varieties of yogurt are still available easily but they aren’t as effective.
Help with Weight loss and management- Yogurt or curd is high in protein. This works wonders with appetite control. Yogurt’s fat content also makes it satiating and healthy, as opposed to the older claims that fat is fattening. Regular yogurt consumption is linked to lower body weight, body fat percentage, and waist circumference. Daily consumption of yogurt will lead to a balanced diet and lifestyle which can help with losing weight. It is also low in calories which can be an ideal snack replacement.
These are 5 impressive facts that definitely make curd a superfood. A word of caution, curd or yogurt may not be suitable for everybody. Some people have a lactose intolerance. For people who lack lactase, the enzyme needed to break down lactose, the sugar found in milk, it can be difficult to digest milk or dairy. This causes indigestion, abdominal pain, constipation, gas, and diarrhea. If you have lactose intolerance, stay away from yogurt or curd. People also have allergies to milk or lactose, causing rashes and swelling around faces or on their skin. Consult with a medical health expert before adding any new food to your diet.