People looking to get motivated on their weight loss want to try easy, interesting exercises. Cycling is a fun, energetic way of getting lean and staying fit for many people. Getting on a bike and going on long, peaceful rides can lead to weight loss, stress release, mindfulness, and increase your stamina.
You will also have to ensure your diet remains healthy and clean while cycling. Cycling is a great cardio exercise and a way to burn calories but it doesn’t exactly mean you overeat or constantly eat junk foods. Losing weight through cycling can be possible if you remember these tips mentioned below.
QUALITY RIDES- Doing 6 rides a week is irrelevant if those rides are super easy or too intense. You may lose too much muscle if you go hard and over board at the beginning. Start with 2-3 rides a week and make one of them a long, easy ride where the focus is on recovery and balance. Longer rides can also help you build endurance and improve your stamina. Try going for rides in the mountains, forests, or natural regions instead of concrete roads and cities. Cycling can be a way to release stress, anxiety, and reduce depression.
JOIN A GROUP- Cycling clubs and communities are very supportive and encouraging. If you are a beginner, join a cycling group or find a partner to motivate you. They will help you to learn how to ride, find new routes, improve your stamina, figure a routine, and build your strength. Cycling groups or clubs will also enable you to understand how to stick to cycling for a long time. They can tell you the right equipment to buy, which cycle to purchase, and shoes, etc.

CALORIC DEFICIT-Many people use exercise as an excuse to eat more or eat junk foods regularly. Cycling is an intensive form of exercise and can lead to hunger if you don’t regulate your diet. Calculate your calories using a calorie calculator available on the internet so you understand how to track your diet. Maintain portion sizes, eat green vegetables, and drink at least 3-4 liters of water daily. Nobody is asking you to starve or go under your daily requirements but eating right and maintaining a deficit is important if you wish to lose weight.
UPPER BODY WORKOUT-Cycling is a sport that primarily focuses on your core and lower body. Riders and cyclists are at the risk of losing muscle mass from their upper body. You may lose weight from your entire body but you will also lose muscle. Hence, it is essential to work your upper body too. If you cycle 3 days a week, then the other 2-3 days you can add resistance training to your routine. Even 15-20 minutes a day with weights can sustain your muscle mass, improve endurance, and give your body a fitter look.
RECOVERY MEALS- The meal you eat after your workout can determine your weight loss journey. Cyclists and runners feel intense hunger after finishing their ride or run. Pick a meal that is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Avoid sugary, processed foods like protein bars, muffins, bagels, and breads. Instead have oatmeal, yogurt, salads, sandwiches, or wraps. Drink lemon water or water with electrolytes after your ride to hydrate yourself. Don’t drink energy drinks, sugary juices, or colas as excess sugar can damage your health and body.
PLAN YOUR DIET- A common mistakes most cyclists make is to eat less and usually eat after their ride. Draw a diet plan that gives you enough nutrition and fuel for your rides. Have a meal 1-2 hours before your ride so you are charged and digest your meal efficiently. Fruits, nuts, veggies, water, and protein are some of the things most cyclists need in their regular diet. Endurance cyclists have a strict diet timetable and one that they follow religiously. Eating the wrong foods at the wrong time can impact your ability to cycle and drain you.
STAY HYDRATED- Carry a bottle of water or water with electrolytes on every ride. Ideally, you shouldn’t need food on rides less than an hour or an hour long. For longer rides, carry nuts, fruits, or granola as snacks. This will ensure you don’t consume carbohydrates or calorie laden processed foods after your ride. If you feel weak or nauseated during the ride, stop immediately and consume water or electrolytes.
Cycling can be very effective in weight loss if practiced effectively and regularly. It is also an adventurous sport and one that lets you improve your mental health and try mindfulness. The quality of your cycling would determine your weight loss rather than the quantity. Start slow and do your research before you commit to cycling. You will also need to invest in the right equipment, clothing, cycle, and protective gear for your safety and protection.