Benefits of Milk and Honey
Honey and milk are two powerful ingredients that benefit our health. Separately consumed, they have various positive effects on our health. When taken together, they give us additional benefits and advantages.
Milk and honey is a calming, soothing recipe that is often used to de-stress and relax. They have been used for centuries as traditional medicinal remedies in various cultures and civilizations. Milk and honey acts as a natural remedy for various ailments and skin issues.
Improves Quality of Sleep- Drinking milk and honey before going to sleep is a traditional ritual in several cultures and countries. Science has found that drinking milk with honey twice daily improved sleep quality in patients suffering from heart disease. Milk and honey taken separately also enhance sleep quality. Mixing honey with milk can also help cure night coughing or infections in children and people suffering from respiratory infections. A warm glass of milk mixed with honey and cinnamon is a relaxing drink that allows you to sleep well.
Promotes Heart Health- Milk has been known to increase the levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. HDL cholesterol helps in cleaning the plaque from your arteries to protect against heart disease. This works only if you consume whole milk. Milk is also rich in potassium, an essential nutrient to help reduce blood pressure levels. Honey works in decreasing levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and HDL (bad) cholesterol. All these are markers for heart diseases. Honey also helps in reducing inflammation, another contributing factor to heart disease.

Strengthens Bones- Milk is a great source of calcium. Calcium is one of the essential nutrients for our bones. Research has indicated that drinking milk regularly can improve bone density. Regular milk consumption can also be linked to lower risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Combining milk with honey could boost its bone-building qualities. Honey could protect bones due to the antioxidants present in it and also due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
Improves Digestion- Honey aids in the growth of useful gut bacteria. The combination of milk and honey maintains the bacterial flora in your gut. It thus eliminates cramps, constipation, and bloating.
Boosts Stamina- Milk is an excellent source of protein while honey has good carbs. Together they boost your stamina and energize you.
Reduces Stress- Milk and honey have therapeutic benefits which make it an ideal drink for stress relief. It calms your nerves and helps you relax. You will find your muscles loosening and your body relaxing after you consume a drink of warm milk and honey.
Fights Stomach Infections- The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of milk and honey destroys harmful micro-organisms in your stomach. Thus fighting stomach infections and gut issues.
Improves Concentration- A great drink to help concentrate and improve your focus, milk and honey wills stabilize your concentration. It activates your mind and sharpens your memory. Milk and honey is usually given to students in certain countries to help them study effectively.
Supports Athletic Performance- Honey is known to boost stamina and improve performance. It maintains the blood glucose level, restores glycogen and helps in muscle recuperation. When milk is taken with honey it assists in regulating the insulin levels in our body and compensates for lost energy or stamina.
Benefits Skin- Drinking or applying milk and honey to your skin can prevent aging, moisturize your skin, and exfoliate dead skin. Honey also gives your skin a fresh and natural glow.
Strengthens Hair- Applying a milk and honey mask to your hair once a week can result in strong, shiny, and silky hair. It also repairs hair damage and reduces hair fall.
Weight Management- Drinking warm milk with honey in the morning can help you lose weight. However, drinking warm milk and honey in the night can cause weight gain. It depends on the total calories consumed and your activity level.
While these benefits are amazing, one should be careful before including milk and honey in their regular diet. Several people may be lactose intolerant, have allergies, or are unable to digest cow’s milk. Dairy consumption also triggers skin conditions like acne, rosacea, eczema, and pigmentation. Honey is healthy but it is very high in sugar and calories. Consuming high amounts of sugar, even natural, can lead to weight gain, obesity, diabetes, liver problems, and heart disease. Honey is unsuitable for children below 1 year as it has bacteria that contribute to infant botulism. Heating honey can also exert negative effects on your health.
Moderate your intake of milk and honey if you wish to include it in your diet. For people who are lactose intolerant, consider replacing cow’s milk with soy, oat, or almond milk. The texture and taste will differ greatly so be careful before heating and consuming these milk alternatives. Consult a doctor or medical expert before including any new foods in your diet or lifestyle.