Brain Exercises to Help You Stay Sharp
We take care of our body, skin, and hair so much that we neglect the mind. The brain is our most important organ. Like every other part of our body, it needs care and exercise. Otherwise, it can start to decay. A lot of people think it’s impossible but it can happen. Your brain is exactly like any other organ. It needs to be used and taken care of to stay sharp and focused. We are not talking about work. Doing exercises and mental tasks can boost your memory, help you concentrate, and even improve your cognition skills. It is possible at any age if you know how to do so.
These simple exercises can be done once a week or a fortnight to ensure your brain is sharp and focused on the right things. With the internet, our concentration span and memory strength seems to be weakening. These exercises could give your brain a much-needed workout!
- Play Cards- Are you a regular cards player? It could be any game such as poker, gin rummy, solitaire, or bridge. Card games help with quick thinking, boost memory, and stimulate your brain. They are also an easy and fun way to spend time at home with friends and family.
- Learn new words- This is something most of us were taught in school but it holds true, no matter what age you are. Expanding your vocabulary or learning new words is a great way to stay sharp and of course improve your language. Read an article or newspaper every day. Write/Note down new or unfamiliar words and learn their meaning. Try using that word in your life if you can.
- Get up and dance- Dancing is a fun way of burning calories and feeling happy. But did you know that learning new dance moves also keeps your brain sharp? Learning dance can improve your memory and make you a quick thinker and learner. Start by watching online videos of salsa, Zumba, contemporary dance, or just do your favorite dance moves at home.
- Meditate- Meditation is a great way of reducing stress and anxiety. Daily meditation can also increase your ability to concentrate and process information. It allows you to focus and stay calm. Start each day with one to two minutes of meditation. Work up to five minutes daily once you get the hang of it.

- Learn a new language- Why not learn a new language? Bilingual people are known to be more efficient and quick learners than people who only know one language. Being bilingual benefits your memory, creativity, and visual capabilities. It’s never too late to learn a new language. You can download apps such as Duolingo and start with any language you want.
- Learn a new skill- Learning a new skill forces your brain to improve memory and adapt to quick thinking. It can be any skill such as cooking, learning a new software program, fixing a car, or even sewing. Youtube has several videos for you to learn from, sitting right in the comfort of your home.
- Try a jigsaw puzzle- Jigsaw puzzles require patience, visual creativity, cognitive ability, and imagination. They challenge your brain and sharpen it as you keep playing. You can buy jigsaw puzzles of any size or shape and it is bound to keep your brain sharp and focused.
- Teach a skill- This may not be everyone’s cup of tea but teaching someone a skill can improve your memory and brain function. Teaching requires you to have a full understanding of the concept before passing it on. You can start small by teaching someone a recipe or a poem or a story and then try teaching your friends or family a specific skill like sewing, gardening, or building something.
- Listen to some music- Music is known to help students study and make workers efficient. It can soothe you and help you concentrate. You can create your own playlist or listen to any happy songs on the internet to sharpen your brain.
- Play some music- Never too late to learn an instrument. Play anything you know or learn how to play an instrument. It will boost your learning skills and improve your memory.
These exercises are just habits you need to start adapting so your brain stays sharp and focused. Doing these will make you sharp and quick at any age. Avoid using your cellphone or any screen for one hour before bedtime. This will help your brain relax and give it enough time to decompress. Along with these exercises, try doing yoga or tai chi to help your brain relax and stay calm. It is important to balance things so your brain doesn’t feel overwhelmed.