Green Tips to Improve Your Health & Lifestyle
Going green is something we all should be considering to save the planet and tackle climate change. Having an environment friendly lifestyle can seem complicated and difficult but its actually very easy. Saying no to toxic, chemical-laden, processed things and foods is a first step. We also need to become conscious, active consumers who are aware of their choices and decisions. Wherever you live, following these 20 green tips will definitely improve your health and lifestyle. Adapting to an environment friendly way of living is worth a try for all of us.
Save Water- One of the most precious resources, water is very easy to use in excess. Saving water and changing the way we use water has a major impact on the environment. Some of the things that you can do to save water include-
- Use Washing Machine in moderation: Wait till you have a full load and run your machine once a week or in 10 days instead of small loads every few days.
- Fix leaks: Ensuring there are no leaks in your plumbing system – including pipes, taps, toilet cisterns – helps prevent unnecessary water wastage.
- Take short showers: Hot showers are the biggest wastage of water and a luxury so take short, cold showers if you can.
- Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth: An often-forgotten habit that wastes liters of water. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.
- Boil only as much water as you require: Tea and coffee drinkers need water several times a day for their beverages. Use only as much water as you need to avoid wastage.

Car Pool- If you have to travel by car, try carpooling with friends and neighbors, sharing journeys for work and leisure, thus reducing the number of cars on the roads. Many busy offices actively promote such schemes so ask around to see if you can take advantage of this. You can also download apps that allow carpooling or use Uber pool to save money and fuel. Consider taking public transport, cycles, or walking to your walk if those are possible and relevant options.
Buy Organic- Organic is a fancy label on many foods but the real meaning of organic is chemical-free, local produce that supports local farmers and workers. The food we consume has a profound effect on the global environment – as the world’s population grows, the demand for food increases, and the strain on ecologies and habitats increases. The issues around food production, supply, and consumption are extremely complicated. Buying organic food and products will ensure you play your part in helping the environment. Pick seasonal foods at local markets or local grocery stores. Try reducing the number of days you eat meat. Choose local fishes, instead of exported ones. Avoid plastic packaging and recycle everything properly.
Say No to Bottled Water- Bottled water is one of the biggest contributors to plastic waste in the world. It is inefficient, expensive, and produces huge amounts of waste which takes decades to decompose. Use a refillable water bottle and tap water; if you like you could use a water filter to cleanse the tap water and chill the water in the fridge. Carry your own bottle of water when you travel. The problem in several countries is lack of safe tap water. If you can’t find tap water then you can ask a restaurant or store to fill your bottle with water.
No Plastic Bags- 100 billion plastic shopping bags are used in America each year, and only 1-3% of worldwide plastic bags are recycled. Can you imagine what it must be for the rest of the world? Store grocery bags in your car or purse so you have one whenever you go to shop. Many grocery stores now offer paper bags or cloth bags so try buying that if you still forget to carry your own. Recycle and reuse plastic bags that you already one so you don’t end up buying more.
Get Thrifty- Capitalism has created a vicious cycle of consumerism and a tendency to discard clothes, products, and items after single or little use. Instead, learn to thrift, reuse, recycle, and be sustainable. Buy clothes from sustainable, expensive brands that are durable instead of succumbing to fast fashion and trends. Visit local thrift stores, flea markets, and charity shops to discover new and cheaper options. Re-purpose household items or repair them if they break. Empty jam jars or sauce bottles can be used to store spices and other groceries. Wine bottles can be used for decorative purposes. Towels can be used as cleaning cloth etc. There are many ways to reuse stuff. Pinterest and YouTube have several videos teaching people how to thrift and practice responsible consumerism. You can donate your books and used items to charity stores if you want.