Health Benefits of Mint
Eating the right foods can benefit you immensely. While there are several things to try, one of the healthiest foods is mint. It’s refreshing, it’s delightful, and has a unique taste that can’t be replicated. Did you know that mint has medicinal properties too? Mint is the collective name for a dozen plant species such as spearmint, peppermint, etc. You may think its just used to freshen up cocktails or add zing to a dip but there’s more to it than that. Let’s find out!
Fights Asthma- Mint has therapeutic properties that have been known to fight against asthma. It can soothe asthmatic patients when inhaled or consumed. It relaxes you and relieves congestion from your body. Be careful though, it’s very easy to have excess mint and that can be problematic for your health.
Fights common cold- Common cold is nasty and can put you out of action for days. Inhaling mint can reduce the severity of the cold immensely. Now you know why vapor rubs or balms have mint in them. Mint can clear the congestion of the nose, throat, lungs, and bronchi. It is also really beneficial in curing sore throats or blocked throats. Mint has anti-inflammatory properties which soothe the irritation caused in your cough by incessant coughing. Drink hot tea with mint daily for curing cold and cough.
Freshens your Breath– You know that saying, ‘minty fresh’? That’s when you take mint and your breath is really fresh. Mint is perfect to have post lunch to remove the smell of food. Chewing on mint tablets or leaves can even remove plaque from your teeth. Mint fights oral bacteria and avoids damage to your germs and oral health. A lot of toothpastes contain mint for this very reason. Mint can stop bacteria from growing within your teeth.
Boosts your Brain- Mint is known to improve alertness and boost your brain power. Regular consumption of mint has known to show improved memory, retention, and cognitive skills. Have mint with a warm glass of water daily to ensure your mind stays sharp and healthy.
Gives Healthy Skin- You are what you eat. And if you eat mint, then your skin will remain fresh, gorgeous, and clear. Mint has effective properties that make it ideal to fight acne and pimples. The potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of Mint cure acne-prone skin completely. Mint also contains salicylic acid, an agent used to cure or reduce acne. Mint is high in antioxidants which prevent radical damage and slow down aging and damage to the skin. You can use mint in various forms for your skin. Drink mint juice 2-3 times a week to allow maximum impact. Or you could make a face pack out of crushed mint leaves and honey. Apply it all over your face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Use this face mask once a week. Adding mint leaves to your drinking water can also provide you with all its benefits.

Help you lose weight- Mint stimulates digestive enzymes which help facilitate the absorption of nutrients from your food. When the body absorbs nutrients effectively, it can speed up your metabolism. A faster metabolism makes losing weight easy. That’s why in India, people eat mint after meals. It can make your body feel satiated, thus preventing excess snacking or eating. Mint is also added to water or drinks in hotels to allow guests the time to digest their meals. Adding mint to buttermilk can benefit people looking to lose weight.
Ease Nausea- Chewing on mint leaves is an excellent way to reduce nausea or morning sickness in expectant mothers. Even smelling the leaves every morning can help pregnant women avoid feeling sick. Carry mint tablets or leaves with you if you get motion sickness while traveling.
Reduces Stress- Aromatherapy has known to have positive effects on reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Mint is often used in aromatherapy due to its adaptogenic nature. Mint can help regulate cortisol levels and support the body in fighting stress. Cortisol is a hormone which when produced in excess can cause stress, anxiety, weight gain, hormonal imbalance, and even depression. Mint can balance your cortisol and calm your stressed nerves. By breathing in the beautiful, fresh aroma of mint your mind starts to relax. Mint can also help in releasing serotonin in your brain, which fights depression. You can use vaporizers in your bedroom to inhale mint before sleeping or after waking up. Or try scented candles. People even apply mint oil to their forehead, neck, and behind the ears to help them relax. Add a few drops of mint oil or leaves to your bath to increase its effectiveness.
Indigestion Cure- Another reason why Indians chew mint leaves or freshener after eating is it because it helps in digesting the food. If you have indigestion or need to soothe your upset stomach, menthol can assist you. Menthol is the active oil found in mint. It has cooling properties that help calm your stomach.