Is there a best time to eat fruits?
We all know a healthy lifestyle includes a diet of fruits, vegetables, meat/protein, healthy fats, and the occasional treat. But if you are looking at weight loss or building muscle, it is possible to even overeat healthy foods. You need to balance your diet. Measure the calories, eat in moderation, and workout effectively. You also need to understand how to time your meals. For example, there is no ‘best’ or ‘wrong’ time to eat fruits. However, there are different facts one needs to keep in mind as fruit can help with weight loss, being healthy, and controlling your sugar intake.
There is a lot of misinformation on the internet about fruits. Some diets claim that you need to stop eating fruits completely. Whether you are seeking a new diet or looking to lose weight, verify these claims. Any ‘diets’ or fad trends that suggest removing a type of food from your diet are risky at best. You should consult a medical expert or nutritionist before adding or subtracting any foods. Along with these claims, many dietitians or influencers will tell you there is a ‘best’ time to eat fruit. Is there really? There is no science based, research-backed information to support that.

One of the most common myths and ‘rules’ is that you should eat fruit on an empty stomach. Unless its your doctor or a certified health expert suggesting, don’t follow these rules blindly. This claim stems from the belief that eating fruits with a meal slows down digestion and causes food to sit in your stomach longer. It further adds that eating fruit with meals can cause indigestion, gas, and other gut related issues. Fruit does contain fiber, which can slow down digestion, it isn’t a bad thing. Fruit and its fiber content makes you feel satiated and full for longer. Thus you will consume lesser calories and avoid snacking after meals. Fruit does not cause any rotting or fermenting of food in your stomach. There has been no research or science to support these rumors.
People suffering from diabetes have to be really mindful of their food. They can suffer from digestive problems or insulin spikes/crashes which can be troubling. Some websites and fitness followers will suggest eating fruit an hour or two before or after your meals if you are diabetic. As there is no scientific study done to suggest avoiding fruit with meals, there has been none to back this claim either. You don’t really need to wait to eat fruit. The only possible explanation is if you eat fruit immediately before or after your meal, it may enter your bloodstream faster. This is dangerous for a diabetes patient. So what should you do?
Instead of eating fruit separately or with a meal, make it a healthy snack. Pair fruit with some protein or fat as this is better for diabetics. The protein and fat can cause your stomach to release food into the small intestine slowly. Thus a smaller amount of blood sugar is absorbed at a time and causing only a small rise in blood sugar levels. You can try having apples with peanut butter or a fruit salad. Smoothies are an easy and delicious way to incorporate fruits into your diet.

Another myth that we often hear is no eating fruits after 2 pm in the afternoon. The logic behind this is eating fruit raises your blood sugar and has carbs that your body can’t digest before going to bed. These people believe that eating carbs in the evening or night can cause weight gain, accumulating fat around your middle, and obesity. Again, there is no conclusive evidence that eating carbs or fruits in the evening or night can cause weight gain.
Your metabolic rate is determined by several different factors and isn’t solely dependent on the time you eat fruit. People who eat fruits and veggies regularly are healthier and fitter than those who don’t. Like everything, they have to be consumed in moderation and in the right way. People who eat fruits don’t feel the need to snack or indulge in processed desserts and sugar excessively. Fruits also provide you energy, clear skin, better digestion, and overall physical health.
So, in conclusion, there is no bad time to eat fruits. It would be better if you have a fixed diet and daily routine. This can ensure you stay on track, remain in a caloric deficit, and workout regularly. By adding fruits to your diet you eliminate the need for junk or processed food. For people who snack 2-3 times a day, fruits are a healthier and better alternative. Smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, salads, and mixes are just some of the things you can add fruit to. Or eat fresh, seasonal fruit available in your region. Unless advised by a doctor or a certified nutritionist, don’t avoid fruits or think there is a bad time to consume them.