What One Hour of Cycling A Day Can Do for You?
Are you trying to get in shape and become fitter? Cycling is an easy, low-impact cardio workout that burns plenty of calories and can help you reach your fitness and weight loss goals. It also allows you to interact with nature, engage in an outdoor sport without needing much expertise or company.
If you are new to the sport then you may want to consider cycling for 20-30 minutes to get used to it and then move on to longer rides for an hour or two. Outdoor cyclists sometimes cycle for 2-3 hours depending on their stamina and capabilities. But most cyclists have a minimum of an hour that they commit to the ride. This gives you enough time to cool down and engage all muscles in your body.
What does one hour of cycling daily do for you? In one hour, the number of calories burned stationary biking ranges between 420 and 932. The number of calories burned in one hour of cycling varies depending on the intensity and speed you cycle at and your body weight. In 60 minutes, you may burn about 420 calories up to as many as 1,466 when cycling at a speed of 20 miles per hour or more. You may burn more or less depending on your age, weight, health, and speed. The focus should be on the quality of your cycling as it will allow you to gain sustainable results.
When cycling outdoors, the number of calories you burn increases the faster you cycle. Your body weight is another significant factor. The heavier you are, the more calories you’ll burn cycling. It differs if you are cycling indoors as it depends on the machine, your intensity, speed, and duration. To understand the exact calories burned, you can wear a fitness tracker or use the machine to tell you the data. Stationary bikes have several alternatives you can choose from. You can pick a pre-programmed workout or adjust the resistance and time of your workout manually. The calories burned on a stationary bike are determined by the intensity of your ride.

Even with outdoor cycling, mountain biking or riding on uneven terrain can mean slower speed for safety and prevention. This doesn’t mean that you had a poor workout, it just meant that the intensity will differ and your focus will be on stamina rather than speed or timing. Mountain biking is an extreme sport and should be only done by experienced cyclists and in company with other experienced bikers or cyclists.
Cycling for an hour per day five days a week will lead to 300 minutes of moderate to intensive exercise which is more than the recommended time for adults. You can also alternate cycling with regular workouts so as to build your muscles and increase your stamina. Try cycling 3 days a week for an hour and 2 days a week you can work out in the gym or at home. Cycling regularly for an hour daily will improve your body strength, stamina, speed, and health. It will reduce your body fat percentage, gain lean muscle, and reduce weight.
If you are a beginner, please do not start cycling an hour on your first day. Get used to the roads, the streets, safety protocols, and understand the area. Outdoor cycling requires your attention and also your alertness. Listen to your body and find a rhythm that suits you. Add a cool down period before you stop cycling where you reduce your speed and just let your muscles stretch. You can also join cycling groups or clubs that will cycle with you to help you learn the sport.
It also isn’t necessary to stick to the same duration every day. Some days you can try a light ride of 30-45 minutes while other days you can do an intensive 2 hour ride. It all depends on your stamina and interests. Outdoor cycling also lets you experience different routes, areas, and spaces so you can choose one and explore that on a particular ride. If you do ride post sunset or at night, please wear the right protective gear, and try to inform someone of your whereabouts or ride with someone. Wearing protective gear and clothing is a must during all rides, day or night.
You can buy a cycle or stationary bike for your home if you don’t want to cycle outdoors. Stationary bikes are an amazing way for people with small apartments or living spaces to get some exercise in. They can improve your stamina, work as effective cardio, and get your heart pumping. There are various versions available, which can challenge you and also fit in smaller spaces or areas. Stationary bikes come with their calculators so you will be able to note the calories burned and the impact on your body.